Saturday, 9 May 2015

Follow Me On Tumblr

Just thought I'd say, if you want to, give my Tumblr a follow.

Bex x


I've decided I'm going to give blogging a go! I've always fancied creating a blog, I've just never gotten around to it. I enjoy posting my images from walks, shopping and other randoms things on other websites such as Tumblr so I thought why not give it a go on a blog of it's own.

So, I guess I'll introduce myself; my name is Rebecca (or Becca, or Becs/Bex if that's what you prefer) and I'm 18. I currently live in a small village in county Northumberland in the North East of England. Right now I am a sixth form student studying art, fashion and clothing and business studies. I'm so excited because in September I will be starting uni, hopefully Northumbria University to study Fashion Design and Marketing but if I'm not so lucky I will be going to Sunderland University to study Fashion Product and Promotion.

I'm pretty much going to post about my walks along the beach, fashion, shopping, art, films.. Anything that takes my interest really!
Bex x
